Official Name: Òzbekiston Respublikasi (Republic of Uzbekistan)
Form of Government:republic1 with two legislative houses (Senate [1002]; Legislative Chamber [1503])
President: Shavkat Mirziyoyev
Prime Minister: Abdulla Aripov
GDP: 57.92 billion USD (2019)
Capital: Tashkent
Population: 33.58 million (2019)
Official Languages: Uzbek
Currency: Uzbekistani soʻm
Timezone: GMT+5
Area: 448,978 km²
Dialing Code: +998
Major Mountain Ranges: Gissar Range,Pskem,Zeravshan Range,Chatkal
Major Rivers: Amu Darya,Chirchiq
Continent: Asia
Border Countries: Uzbekistan is bordered by Kazakhstan to the northwest and north, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to the east and southeast, Afghanistan to the south, and Turkmenistan to the southwest.
Map of Uzbekistan
National Symbols of Uzbekistan
National Bird: Humo bird
National Anthem: “Uzbek: Oʻzbekiston Respublikasining Davlat Madhiyasi”