Form of Government:republic with one legislative house (Mejlis, or Assembly [125])
President: Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov
Prime Minister: N/A
GDP: 40.76 billion USD (2018)
Capital: Ashgabat
Population: 5.942 million (2019)
Official Languages: Turkmen
Currency: Turkmenistan manat
Timezone: GMT+5
Area: 491,210 km²
Dialing Code: +993
Major Mountain Ranges: Arlan,Aýrybaba,Kopet Dag Range,Köýtendag
Major Rivers: Amu Darya
Continent: Asia
Border Countries: Turkmenistan is located in the southwest of the Central Asia region. It is bordered by Kazakhstan to the northwest, Uzbekistan to the north and east, Afghanistan to the southeast, Iran to the south, and the Caspian Sea to the west.